Rising Media Coverage
1. Oxford Times 13th Sept 2019
Pre-play writer’s profile of Russell. “For Arts Sake”
2. Oxford Times 11th Oct 2018
Review of Singles Night Play by reviewer Naomi Lanighan
“Specifically aimed at, and welcoming to those with learning disabilities, word had clearly got out as the room was bursting”
“The Storylines highlight the added difficulties people with mental & physical health issues face while dating. It is an inclusive show where all are truly welcome – for that alone it should be applauded”
3. Review of Singles Night posted online by Karima Brookes 21/9/18
“Went to see Singles Night last night. Expected something good and quirky but was absolutely bowled over! It was positively Shakespearean with its mixture of misunderstandings, puns, jokes, slapstick and comings and goings. It also tackled serious issues like epilepsy and young adults (showed you what to do if someone had a seizure); over-possessive, controlling mother; and when house mates really want to become something more.
There was great audience involvement too! High five to the playwright, Russell Highsmith, and all the actors and members of Shadowlight Artists.
I DO hope this tours- it deserves to be much more widely seen!”
4. BBC South News report on Rising Exhibition (shot during installation on 16/10/19) broadcast 24/10/19
b) Web version (same as broadcast)
5. Review of Rising on Disability Arts Online by Deborah Caulfield 21/11/18
“When was the last time you left an art exhibition with your emotional dial reset to happy?”
“Not a single work failed to please this reviewer”
“So of course Hemsworth’s pictures are engaging and enthralling; of course we want to look at each individual image separately; and of course we then draw back to grasp the totality of the composite image, its complexity, and its simplicity. We are awestruck by the vastness of the space – the pictorial space, the wider sky, and outer space as well. It takes an artist to do all this for us.”
“As in his paintings, there is a timeless quality about Rocking the Boat on the Beach, and an ancient spirituality. It emanates tranquillity and calm, speaking to the connectedness of things, a reassurance that all will be well.”
6. Podcast review of Rising on Podbean by Lia Doolan on 10-11-18
7. Live Radio Oxford Radio interview with Danny Smith (1st week of exhibition)