Captured Moments
In November 2022 the Shadowlight Artists returned to Modern Art Oxford with Captured Moments, a project that featured new work by Lucy Skuce and Mark Hemsworth.
Both Lucy Skuce and Mark Hemsworth are lens-based artists with learning disabilities, and their works for Capture Moments share an interest in documenting spans of time and exploring the meanings these have for the artists. Captured Momentsran 5th to 27th November 2023.
View the Virtual Exhibition:
Also see the Captured Moments Wiki – with is a pilot programme aiming to make online project information more accessible. It has photos and videos from Captured Moments with “speaker” icons which play the text verbally.
About the artists Hemsworth explores how specific landscapes change over time – from morning to evening, and season to season. Mark has an archive of tens of thousands of photographs of these landscapes across seasons, which span many years. For this project, Hemsworth has narrowed his focus to selected specific sites, which he has revisited across seasons.
Skuce’s project is based on her dual obsessions: recording her first-person experience of the world and redundant technologies. Utilising mixed technology, from a 1980s VHS camcorder (which was the first kind of camera Skuce owned) through to a contemporary 4k camera, Skuce documents her relationship with her hometown of Didcot using both new and archival footage to create a sense of fractured and condensed time. Her film at Modern Art Oxford is accompanied by a video installation featuring vintage technologies.
Both artists have an established record of bringing work to audiences nationally and internationally. They have screened work at arts and film festivals including Oska Bright, Supernormal, Abilities Festival Toronto, NFT, Together! Disability Film Festival, in addition to broadcast TV and online.
There was a Preview Party on Friday 4th November 2022. 6-9pm
The Shadowlight Artists are a group of professional artists with learning disabilities, who are supported by Film Oxford.